Tuesday 14 May 2013

Going on a Bear Hunt

Ms McHale's class learned all about Journeys in March. 

We had a post office in our class room and we went on lots of journeys around the school to deliver all out mail.  When we came back we drew maps to show the journey we took when delivering our mail.

We also read books about journeys.  Our favourite book was "We're Going on a Bear Hunt".  We acted out the story and did lots of art work for our bear hunt display.  We also drew our own bear hunt maps to show how well we remembered the book.

When we were finished the story we went on our own Bear Hunt in the school garden.  Ms McHale hid lots of coloured bears around the garden.  Each team had a map with pictures of objects in the garden on it.  We had to find the object in the garden and then colour in the bears on our map.  It was a great day.

Sunday 12 May 2013