
Friday, 6 November 2015

Junior Infant Newsletter 3rd November 2015

Welcome back to everyone after midterm break. We’re delighted to see the children back with happy faces and ready for lots of work!
We have a busy term ahead!  
For the next fortnight we will be covering lots of new things such as learning:
*       New sounds: ‘c’, ‘e’, ‘h’, and  ‘r’.
*       New sight words: Look, at, the, my, look, I, am, like
*       How to write the letter ‘a’
*       Number 2
We are starting to learn all about animals. For the next fortnight we will be learning about animals that hibernate and pets we can have.
Useful Vocabulary
Winter    Autumn    hibernation    hedgehog   squirrel    nuts    gathering food      squirrel nest or ‘drey’     hedgehog  nest

Cat    kitten   dog  puppy   rabbit    hamster    guinea  pig    bird    goldfish      snake     turtle      tank     aquarium     cage   hutch     bed       bowl    lead       collar      

Some rhymes to practice at home:
Mary had a little lamb
Little Bo Peep
Hickety Pickety
I have a pet (Super simple songs available on youtube)

How you can support your child’s learning:
*       Find things around the house/ in books that start with our ‘s’,’a’, ‘t’, ‘i’, ‘p’ and ‘n’ sounds   as well as our new sounds ‘c’   ‘e’    ‘h’   and ‘r’.
*       Cut out pictures from magazines/ brochures/ leaflet with this sound
*       Look for this sound in the environment (on signs, in books)
*       Encourage your child to practice writing their name and the letter ‘c’ at home
*       Practice counting to 5
*       Find things that are pink and orange
*       Find 2D shapes in the environment: circles, squares, triangles, rectangles
*       Encourage your child to do sorting and matching activities at home: using pasta, toy cars, toy blocks, or socks! 
*       Talk to your child about winter  and hibernation: what is hibernation? What animals hibernate? Why do animals hibernate? Look for signs of hibernation (squirrels collecting nuts)
*       Maybe you could help hibernating animals at home: visit   to find out how you can help hedgehogs at home
*       Talk to your child about animals we keep as pets. Talk about the different ways we have to care for our pets (food, bed, play time, walks, bringing to the vet).
*       If you have a pet bring in a photo to show the class!
Ø Please return homework folders and nursery rhyme kits each day.
Ø If your child is absent please ring the office so we can record any explanations.

Ø Encourage your child to put on and take off their coat independently- this is an important skill to be learnt as the weather begins to get colder!

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