
Jungle Animals

In November we are learning all about animals.
Jungle animals, Farm animals, Pets and Polar Animals.
Ms. Keane's class made Jungle Animal masks with Ms. Egan and we used them during our Drama Lesson this week.
King Leon of the Jungle came to visit our classroom.

Shapes all around us

Ms Keane's class have been learning lots about 2D shapes over the last few weeks.
We have learned about Circles, Squares, Triangle and Rectangles.

We went on a shape hunt, made shape monsters at Halloween, collected data during Maths Week based on our Favourite Shape and played shape games in PE.

Have a look at what we got up to...
We are excited to go on a Shape Hunt. We feel very important with our clipboards :)

Shape Monsters

Look at our graph based on our Favourite Shapes.

Look at the Circle 

We played Shape games ...

We found a Triangle on our shape hunt

We found lots of Shapes

Shapes all around us

Ms Keane's class have been learning lots about 2D shapes over the last few weeks.
We have learned about Circles, Squares, Triangle and Rectangles.

We went on a shape hunt, made shape monsters at Halloween, collected data during Maths Week based on our Favourite Shape and played shape games in PE.

Have a look at what we got up to...
We are excited to go on a Shape Hunt. We feel very important with our clipboards :)

Shape Monsters

Look at our graph based on our Favourite Shapes.

Look at the Circle 

We found a Triangle on our shape hunt

We found lots of Shapes

Welcome to Junior Infants 2016-2017

Welcome to our Class Blog. We will post lots of pictures on here and updates on our learning.

K.Keane and L. Phelan