
Thursday, 17 October 2013

Play time in Ms Murray's Junior Infants

The Doctor's Surgery

Playtime is so important in our class and it is our favourite time of the day!
During the year we will be having lots of exciting role play themes, and pretending to be lots of different people. Keep an eye on the blog to see what we have been doing during our play.

When we were learning about different parts of our bodies such as our arms and legs
we had a doctor's surgery set up in our classroom. We learnt rhymes such as 'Miss Polly had a Dolly', watched videos on Youtube about trips to the doctor, and read books such as 'Next Please'.
When we were playing in the doctor's surgery we had to take turns being the doctor and being the patients.
Check out our video to see us hard at work!

Junior Infant Shape Hunt

Junior Infant Shape Hunt

To celebrate Maths Week Junior Infants have been doing lots of fun Maths activities.
Today Ms Murray's class went on a shape hunt around our school! We saw lots of circles, squares and rectangles but we only saw one triangle! What shapes can you see in our video?

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Say Cheese!

Junior Infants got their first school photos taken last week.
Don't we look great in our lovely clean uniforms!
Ms. Murray's Junior Infants 2013

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Shapes, shapes everywhere!!

Ms Redmond's Junior infants went on a shape walk around the school grounds. We were trying to find 'Sammy Square' and 'Cindy Circle'. We couldn't even begin to count how many circles and squares we found, there were so many!! Can you spot the shapes in our photo's?

Ms Redmond's class went on an Autumn Hunt!

Junior Infants had a brilliant time on their Autumn Scavenger Hunt. They found sycamore seeds 'helicopters', conkers, all sorts of Autumn leaves; red, yellow, brown and orange and even the home of an animal we think.